How many types of drinks are there?
Alcoholic Beer Wine Cider Distilled (liquor) Hard soda Barley Hot drinks Mixed drinks Non-Alcoholic Water Tea Soft Drinks Coffee Apple juice Fruits juice Citrus & peach cooler Smoothies Lemonade Types of drinks are also made by the barman too. There are probably more than a few thousand kinds of drinksRead more…
What is the world’s most popular drink?
The most popular drink is water. Everybody needs water in their body in their life, since we are made by more than 70% of water. Water is the base of all other beverages as well. Coffee, tea, soft drinks, cocktail, alcohol, etc. After that on the list, it’s followed byRead more…
What is Kombucha
Kombucha is an ancient beverage that has become really popular over the years. It’s a fizzy and sweet drink made with tea. The basic ingredients are yeast, sugar and black tea. You can include many flavors in it, like fruits and vegetables. Kombucha is made by adding a culture toRead more…
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